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Bespoke Service

Image by Guille Álvarez


A Personal Approach

There are three main target areas to the upper third of the face to reduce the signs of aging; Forehead lines (Frontalis muscle), Eyebrow crease or otherwise referred to as elevenses (Globella complex) and the corner of the eyes also referred to as crow's feet (Obicularis oculi muscle), brow lift.

The lower third of the face targets downturned mouths, smokers lines, gummy smiles, pebbled/dimpled chin, treating an overactive masseter muscle (medical term known as bruxism), neck treatment (Nefertiti neck lift)

Dermal Filler

See Results Instantly

Dermal filler contains hyaluronic acid which is naturally synthesised in the body. I offer a range of target areas focussing on the middle and lower thirds of the face. A numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area for 15-20 mins. Your treatment will be performed safely. There may be some slight discomfort and minimal bruising. Dermal filler can last up to a year. 

Applying Face Cream
ATV on Sand Dunes

Excessive Sweating

Botulinum Toxin

Results seen in 2-4 weeks


Botulinum toxin is injected into the armpit. This blocks the signal to the sweat gland in the armpit consequently reducing sweating.

Effects last up to 12 months.


No downtime, time for playtime!

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty


Dermal filler contains hyaluronic acid which is naturally synthesised in the body.

A numbing cream will be applied to the bridge of the nose for 15-20 mins. Your treatment will be performed safely. There may be some slight discomfort, swelling and bruising which is normal. This should improve within 10 days.

Dermal filler can last up to a year. Time to enjoy that new profile!

Woman with Fancy Jewelry

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